
Coaching is an individualized method to clarify goals, remove obstacles, and achieving success.
Within corporations, coaching is an established technique to enhance professional skills. This influences loyalty toward the company, increases efficiency, improves productivity and ultimately reduces operational costs.

Estes-Bär Focus Consulting works with individuals and organizations to expand their perspectives and enable positive growth.

Executive Coaching

Apply expertise to quickly identify the leader's situation, challenge assumptions, and develop new insights for workplace management and solution development

Organizational Coaching

Increase teamwork and collaboration through increased self-awareness, improved decision making, and enhanced problem-solving skills

Leadership Coaching

Define current leadership style, identify techniques to enhance leadership impact, support development of effective communication skills, apply stress management techniques, and sharpen decision-making skills

Spotlight Coaching

Support personal development to prepare for public speaking by crafting a targeted message and achieving a confident delivery

Conflict Coaching

Identify the actual cause of conflict, strengthen self-esteem, and enable positive, professional conflict management

Family Coaching

Family coaching concentrates on behavioural strategies within the family to create a calm home environment. Additionally, it focuses on the development of strategies for the promotion of effective communication as well as the application of stress management techniques to everyday life.


Receive guidance to reflect upon personal situations, identify possible actionable choices, and receive encouragement toward self-achievement

Confidence Coaching

Gain support to address emotional, mental, and verbal abuse with a focus on inner healing, positive reinforcement, goal planning, overcoming negative beliefs, and restoring self-esteem


Enhance your potential, negotiate effectively, and identify your goals.

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